
Sid Vicious could be the original bad-ass I think. Reckless, driven, crazy, angst ridden…but completely AUTHENTIC. (And a bit of a D-bag…)

The official definition of authentic is the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original. Wow…not corrupted from the original. From the original what? What the hell was I before I am what I am now? Oh that’s right…ME.

Just Got an Email

As I was writing this a new FB Friend sent me an email about depression that said, “…we lose our connection to our higher selves.” (She might as well have said our original selves.)
I think we all feel our higher selves…what I call the real me…but most of us don’t have the courage to let him or her out. We are afraid…or at least I am. Of what I’m not sure…maybe of losing what I have. I wonder if that’s where a lot of our stress comes from…trying to hang on to what we know as the universe pushes us to change along with it. We fight it…and burn our :30 in the process…possibly robbing the world of our purpose.

No Apologies. Brave? Really?

I feel a little bit like an angst-ridden teenager here…and I’m almost compelled to apologize for it. But that would be out of fear of what people will think of me for what I write…not because I really want to apologize. So…screw it.

People have told me that I am brave for putting this stuff out there…but why the hell not? If life is ultimately a hash mark between “Born and Died” on a headstone than what are we so afraid of? We’re afraid of being judged…and it holds us back…creates anxiety with pasted on smiles…and an urgency to find our true selves. Maybe it’s not about finding our true selves…but allowing ourselves to live that way.

Dead and Gone

Sid Vicious is dead and gone…his hash mark etched in history. He lived a short time, pissed off a lot of people, but inspired others by his ability to be genuine. He was a genuine asshole and certainly lived his :30 uncorrupted from his original asshole self.

That must be the real rock star appeal for me…an uncorrupted allegiance to ones original self…authenticity personified. That’s where I’m heading now…don’t judge me too harshly…’kay?


Published in: on April 6, 2009 at 1:30 am  Comments (7)  
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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I agree and disagree. Sid Vicious used anger to keep people out. I do not believe when we are connected to our higher selves, or are genuine selves as you put it, we are full of anger. As you know anger is a result of fear either conscious or unconscious. Anger is generally a result of living in the past, not living in the present.

  2. “..maybe of losing what I have. I wonder if that’s where a lot of our stress comes from…trying to hang on to what we know as the universe pushes us to change along with it. We fight it…and burn our :30 in the process…possibly robbing the world of our purpose.”

    Love this Andy. Very insightful.

  3. What? You’re disagreeing with me? I’m not sure that’s allowed!(Kidding) Good point on the anger thing…though I’m not convinced he lived in the past. I feel like it was WAY present…to the detriment of his future. Thanks for the “insightful” tag. I appreciate it. (Both of them…)

  4. cheers to leaving our hash marks. angst isnt restricted to teenagers, after all, it’s just a sign that we’re in transition. embrace it and let it run its course, i say. it takes a rare and insightful person, however, to recognize his own angst… kudos (i hate that word but i couldnt think of another)!

  5. […] Lesson:Authentic people are few and far between and you can spot them a mile away. They stand out in sharp contrast to the rest of the bullsh*tters. Hang with them. You won’t feel so cheap. […]

  6. “The quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original” …wow, how’s that for an ambition? I think you are definitely on to something here and I agree with Meg on the anger thing, although sometimes to let go of the past we might have to go through the anger stage (and sacrifice things that are hopefully worth letting go of too)

    It’s all a process I guess. A cycle. In which we go round ourselves. And ocassionally, we touch the core and we experience our ORIGINAL selfs, but then we get back into the loop of things and we forget. So that we get experience it all again.

    Thanks for the reminders and support!

    • Again…thank for reading this. (I just found a typo. THAT’S embarassing…) It’s funny when I read something I wrote a while ago…and agree basically with the premise…but would probably present it a little differently.

      Thanks again. It means a lot that you take time to read this stuff.


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